
Dr Arvind Virmani, is distinguished member of Niti Aayog. An eminent economist, Dr Virmani has been a key figure in the study of Macroeconomics and Policy Reform. He earlier served as Chairman of the Foundation for Economic Growth and Welfare (EGROW) and President of the Forum for Strategic Initiatives (FSI, Delhi). He has also been a member of various think tanks, both domestic and international, and has imparted his expertise in matters of finance to many financial institutions within India, both government and private. He was Director & Chief Executive of ICRIER (Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations) and has published 37 Journal Articles, 24 Books & Book Chapters, around 70 other Working Papers and 50 policy papers in Macroeconomics, Growth, Tax & Tariff Reform, Foreign Exchange, International Relations and National Security Strategy.